When you truly know yourself — what your strengths are, where you can grow — theres no limit to what you can do. So heres a self-knowledge and personal growth tool: Wonder App. It has questions designed to measure your ability to connect with others, to identify your deepest desires, to manage your emotions, to go after your dreams, and to channel your negative feelings in constructive ways. With one illuminating twist: its the people who know you best — your friends, your partners, your co-workers — who answer about you. Get empowering insights that help you get a clearer perspective of who you are and what you can become.
Reach out to close friends, family members, co-workers, and clients. Get their perspectives, give them your own. Wonder App invites you to see yourself through their eyes. In the process, youll connect with them on a deeper level, and your consciousness will expand.
So, right now: open the Wonder App. Be honest with yourself and those you love. Discover your Strengths, your Opportunities for Growth, your Mission, your Archetype, and understand how you behave and what you crave from your relationships. Do the most important thing of all: accept and love the unique person you are.
From the creators of Couchsurfing.org.
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